How Are Surveying Companies Working With COVID-19

by | Apr 12, 2021 | Uncategorized

The pandemic over the past year has thrown many industries into an uncertain state, and surveying companies are no exception. Surveyors work within many different offices and job sites, usually around many other people. Unfortunately, this has become impossible due to social distancing guidelines. 


However, surveying is considered essential to the economy and the construction industry, so workers must learn to continue while keeping themselves and those around them safe. To learn more about how surveying companies across the nation are working around COVID-19, visit LW Survey today.


Surveying Companies Are Following Social Distancing Guidelines

Due to the essential nature of the work that land surveyors do, they must align their work practices with the government regulations currently in place. In some cases, a single surveyor can work by themselves. This is being done when possible, but there are also regulations in place to keep workers safe when more than one person is needed for a job. If two or more people are working on the same surveying site, they must drive separate vehicles there and maintain as far of a distance between each other as possible. 


Surveyors Work In Staggered Shifts

To minimize contact and ensure that everyone is able to keep a safe distance from each other, many surveying companies are dividing their usual crew into two different groups. This practice is beneficial in a couple of ways. First, it allows for enough people on-site to complete the job efficiently without overcrowding, and close interactions can be avoided for the most part. The lack of contact between the two groups also ensures that if someone in one group gets sick, there’s no risk of anyone in the other group getting sick. 


Surveyors Are Working Remotely When Possible

Like businesses in most other industries, surveying companies have moved to working remotely when possible. Most, if not all, communications are limited to phone calls, video calls, and emails, and any in-person meetings with project managers have been postponed or rescheduled as video meetings. 


One benefit of working remotely is an opportunity for surveyors to increase their level of knowledge and skills for their trade. Many people have seen an increase in downtime since they began working from home, and the surveying industry is no different. Because they have fewer projects to complete, there’s more of an opportunity for surveyors to attend webinars and online conferences to learn about the latest technology in the industry. 


Contact Us

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown us all for a loop, and the surveying industry is no exception. With surveying companies across the nation doing what they can to stay safe, surveys for essential construction in the private, public, and government sectors can continue to benefit the economy. By working with a few people on a site at one time as possible, dividing staff into different set groups, and working remotely wherever possible, surveyors can ensure that they stay safe to continue providing this essential service. To learn more about what surveying companies are doing to cope with the pandemic, contact LW Survey today.